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5 Effective Ways For Cleaning TGA Alumina Ceramic Crucibles

by Redthermo - 2022-12-21

There are 5 effective ways to ensure TGA alumina crucibles are properly cleaned.

1. TGA alumina crucibles should be cleaned by brushing the interior and exterior with a soft brush to remove dirt, dust or debris before and after use. To further clean them, they can be washed with soap and water or laboratory detergent and then rinsed thoroughly with water. Care should also be taken to ensure that no acid remains on the crucible.


2. Cleaning a TGA alumina crucible is essential to ensure the accuracy of your results. The best way to clean the crucible is to use warm water and dish soap, and then dry them using compressed air or a paper towel. Take care not to scratch the surface of the crucible as this will damage it and affect its performance. Additionally, chemical cleaning agents and polishing can also be used for stubborn stains.


3. An other recommended method for cleaning a TGA alumina crucible is an acid soak. This process involves submerging the crucible in nitric acid and allowing it to soak for 5-24 hours, depending on the difficulty of the material that needs to be removed. After removing any remaining material with ultrasonic vibration, you can then dry and cool the crucible before further processing.


4. To clean a TGA alumina crucible, start by heating the high-temperature furnace to 800°C over a period of 6 hours. This will thermal decompose the nitrate in the crucible to prevent it from cracking. Once the temperature has been reached, let the crucible cool down naturally and then dry it off before use.


5. Cleaning a TGA alumina crucible is relatively easy and straightforward. To begin, use a soft bristle brush and neutral pH cleaning solution to scrub away any debris or dirt that may be on the crucible surface. Once you have removed all visible dirt and debris, rinse the crucible thoroughly with clean water and dry it completely before using.



