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Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) is a powerful analytical tool used to study the thermodynamic properties of materials. It measures the heat flow between a sample and a reference material as a function of temperature, allowing for the characterization of thermal transitions and phase changes. DSC is used in a wide range of applications, from pharmaceuticals to polymers and materials science.
Thermogravimetric analysis is a powerful technique used to measure the weight loss of a substance as a function of temperature. It is a valuable tool for understanding the physical and chemical properties of a material as well as its thermal stability. The principle of thermogravimetric analysis is based on the fact that the mass of a material is affected by changes in temperature. The resulting weight changes can be used to gain insight into the thermal decomposition of a material, or other changes in its properties. This article will discuss the principle of thermogravimetric analysis and the various factors that can affect the results.
This article introduces preparation of purge gas and different type of sample pans for PerkinElmer DSC 4000.
The sample handling and netzsch sample crucible selection for Netzsch STA 449 Jupiter will be covered in this article.
PerkinElmer TGA 4000 allows for the study of thermal degradation, oxidation, and other thermally-induced reactions of materials. The use of sample pans is essential for the successful operation of the TGA 4000. This guide will provide an overview of sample handling for use with the PerkinElmer TGA 4000 Thermogravimetric Analyzer.
This article will discuss the best practices and considerations for sample preparation when using the PerkinElmer Diamond DSC for thermal analysis. Specifically, this article will focus on the importance of correctly preparing samples for use in the Diamond DSC, including choosing the correct sample pans and preparing the sample for analysis.
The materials and techniques used to gather data from an STA 8000 are discussed in this article. The STA 8000's sensor platform is optimized for the self-centering, thin-walled, ceramic sample pan that is included with the instrument. The sample pans must meet are that they do not react or melt within the temperature range of interest, and that the sample does not form alloys with the material of the sample pan.
Installing hang-down wires and aligning sample hang-down wires is one of the step of repacking the TGA 2050 and TGA 2950. In this article, the specific steps will be introduced in detail.